Note: the news posts might be rather technical. Not interested in that? Just pick the appropriate build directory from the right-side menu and look at the last modified date. If you’re on Windows and don’t know if you have a 64- or 32-bit system, go for Windows (32-bit). Installer builds end in ‘’.

openMSX record_with_vblank script

Have you ever tried to record a video of a game or demo, only to find out the sound went out of sync half-way due to a frame rate switch while recording?
BiFiMSX and FiXato have been working on a script that will help work around this by stopping the recording and immediately starting a new one as soon as it detects a frame rate change.
Download and save it as vblank.tcl into your openMSX scripts directory, usually ~/.openMSX/share/scripts on *NIX systems or My Documents/openMSX/share/scripts in Windows.

The next step is to load your software in openMSX, open the console and type:
record_with_vblank -doublesize -prefix "My video name"
For instance:
record_with_vblank -doublesize -prefix "\[MSX\] N.O.P. - Unknown Reality - "

Files will now be saved into your openMSX user video directory as [MSX] N.O.P. - Unknown Reality - NNNN.avi where NNNN is a number that will automatically be incremented.

If you find bugs or have suggestions, feel free to fix them yourself if you have a GitHub account, or contact FiXato, optionally via Facebook, or leave a comment here.